29 May 2017

Another 30 Days!

I am sooo hyped about my trip to 

Anthrocon in June and now that I have

the schedule in front of me I am 

beginning to realize that there is just not 

enough time in 4 days to see it all and it

kinda bums me out. I think the biggest 

"bum factor" is that I know even though I

want to be in suit as much as possible, 

there is just no way to last the entire 4 

days that way. At best I figure a few 

hours each day in suit... and in reality I 

kinda figure even that is probably 

pushing it. Totally looking forward to 

meeting some friends I have met on-line 

and lots of new friends while in 

Pittsburgh and all of them are as into the 

fandom as I am... no need for second 

guessing others reactions to being a 

Furry at Anthrocon, its a given! and from 

what I understand so far, even the city of 

Pittsburgh plays into the whole Furry 

theme for the convention as well... so... 

it's gonna be a great time no matter how 

much I get to do, after all this IS one of 

the main reasons I created Relic!

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