Progress is being made at a slow pace. In an attempt to avert any mistakes due to my push to finish things I have throttled back my normal pace and things have been much better for it as my finished Foot-Paws can attest.
Finally getting the inside carved out and fitted and have built up the courage to cut out the eyes and separate the jaw.
Suspension system is now in place and is adjustable with elastic holding things snug. Keeping straps removable for purposes of replacement and cleaning when needed.
Blanks are made from perforated plastic sheets made by Darice available at most craft stores. I purchased mine at Joann Fabrics. I prefer this over the foamies as a blank because it is just a bit more rigid allows for more visibility and more airflow.

Most people use a 1-3/4 inch hole but I prefer the 2 inch, a more wide-eyed look I suppose. I purchased a 2 inch punch from the craft store to do this and it gives a very even & clean cut.

Preparing the buckram ahead of time with the proper color spray-paint is a good idea so it is dry when you need it. I tend to keep an ample supply all ready pre-painted on hand for repairs when needed.
Cutting out circles so that they over-lap the back of the holes in the blanks by 1/8th of an inch for gluing.

Blackening the pupil is a matter of using a black sharpie and in my case a Quarter to trace around. Always keep in mind that the Black part of the buckram is always easier to see through than the colored part so a larger pupil is not a bad thing. This especially holds true in lighting situations like street lights and work lights which are very bright and relatively low shining at you.
Eyelids add a bit of detail that softens the look a little. These are nothing more than a semi-circular wedge of Foamie cut in a larger arc than what the eye opening is so that when glued in place the leading edge is out over the white eye blank.
Many people choose to glue the lids onto the eye blank itself but I choose to glue them to the base. I like to be able to pop the eyes in and out quickly if I need to replace one for any reason.